
Covid-19 guidance for tutoring in pupils’ homes

Categorised in: OC News | Posted on: 14 October 2020

As you are all aware, the government guidelines and risk factors concerning Covid-19 are changing on a daily basis.

We thought it would be helpful to share Covid-19 guidance on best practice if you are currently tutoring students face-to-face.

Please note that this represents guidance both from Osborne Cawkwell Tuition and directly from The Tutors’ Association and is our current best understanding of government guidelines as of today. This is subject to frequent change and updates, so please do keep yourselves informed on a daily basis by visiting: the government website.

The fundamental position is that private tutoring in other people’s homes is currently permitted in the event that it cannot be undertaken remotely, which is still the preferred method. In addition, neither party should be showing any signs of being unwell and both parties must be comfortable with the level of risk involved.

Tutors, please remember to communicate with clients before visiting the household to discuss how the session will be carried out in a way that minimises risk.

Key points to consider are:

–  Wash your hands on arrival and maintain social distancing when entering the home

–  Ask households to leave all internal doors open to minimise contact with door handles

–  Identify busy areas across the household where people travel to, from or through. For example, stairs and corridors, and minimise movement within these areas

–  If appropriate, bring your own food and drink to households and have breaks outside if possible

–  Avoid sharing pens, documents and other objects. If you do need to share teaching materials, clean thoroughly immediately before/after use

–  Maximise ventilation whenever possible by opening windows in the room you are teaching in

–  Wearing a face covering is required by law when travelling as a passenger on public transport in England. It is important to use face coverings properly. Wash your hands before putting them on and before and after taking them off.

N.B. Whilst official guidance does not require face coverings whilst teaching, some classroom teachers are wearing transparent face safety shields.

Please get in touch if you have any questions

The Tutors Association The Tutors Association The Good School Guide Tooled up